Friday, August 13, 2010
Summer School Reflection
This is Eric's first pharagraph for his Icons project for summer school. I think it's an extreamly high quality piece of work because it follows most of the requierments of the Intro that randy said to us, the begining the quote "We must fear evil men, but what we must fear most is the indiference of good men" is very inspiering and gets the reader hooked to the reading.
The aspect that I like most about my own writting is that I wrote about masonry and how my familiy connects to it. I really like it because my familiy keeps quiet about it and does not mention this to anyone. My familiy take the mason issue very seriously and i'm the first one to talk about it in a school or anywhere outside if school.
If I had one more day to work on my Icons Project, i would try to find a better picture because i really think that i could find a better picture representing masonry on my family.
The importance of the icons project was to learn on how to write reflective writing and to apply the writing tips that we learned throughout summer school.
(A group of school children take over a Pacific coral island. Their plane crashed and the boys from 6 to 12 are left alone in an island. Ralph is chosen as leader. He accomplished it by calling the first meeting when he learned to blow on a conch, good at public speaking and good organization between them. He always putting rescue first.......)
This is the first few sentences of Marcos's book review. I think its great because it reflects on the writing and tells you what the story is about, and compares people's views on the story.
The aspect that i like the most about my book review is that i as well reflect on what the story is about and explain the book, spoiling it.(i like spoilers)
If i had one more day to work on my book review, i would get randy or anna to review my book review to see if it's worthy of putting it on
The importantce of book reviews is to prove what you learned about the book and state your views and opinions on of the book
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Icon Project Final
My grandfather’s name is Jose Perez Velazquez. He was very family oriented. Back in his days, when my mom was just a girl, he refused to have dinner until the whole family was together. He loved his family, especially my mom because she knew how to cook as well as my grandmother. When I asked around the neighborhood where my mom grew up, I did not hear one negative thing about him, only positive things. “He would drop whatever he was doing and come help me build my house when I needed an extra pair of hands” Don Ponsiano said. Don Ponsiano was one of the men that received land from my grandfather. He opened a small Abarrotes, a corner grocery store with the land my grandfather gave him. The store was so successful that Don Ponsiano decided to pay back the land to my grandfather, “Without him, I would have never been able to open my small business, I would be a homeless without him and I’m grateful for his help.” Don Ponsiano explained technique .
My grandfather’s vision of leaving his mark in history came from his greatest idol, Benito Juarez. According to my grandmother, his grandfather was friends with Benito Juarez, and that’s where his entire obsession with him came from. All my grandfather’s good deeds where based on Benito Juarez’s actions. Recently, my grandmother revealed to me and my cousin “El Bunny” that our grandfather was part of the Mason Society. Just like his grandfather along with Benito Juarez, he was a Mason. My Grandfather had an image of at least one man from each generation of the family becoming a Mason. Due to all my uncles failing the important task, it was up to my cousin and I to fulfill the difficult task. Masonry has always sounded interesting to me. All I know about them is what I had read on books and seen on movies. I have never thought about becoming one until my grandmother assigned me the task that for some reason. It sounds impossible for me to fulfill. Masonry requires knowledge and having powerful logic on present and past major events, which I don’t have according to my grandmother. But she has faith in me that as I mature, I’ll become more aware of the world and meet the requirements to fulfill my grandfather’s legacy. I know that I am capable of doing good things like my grandfather, he did not fulfill his accomplishments overnight, but he proved that if you dedicate yourself to something, you can accomplish anything. I will dedicate every moment of my life to become as great as my grandfather was. He is my inspiration, and I will live the legacy he set down for me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Summer School Writing Tips.
- Begin sentences with subjects and verbs
ex. Rebels seized control of Kapashian.
(Subject: Rebels)
(Verb: seized)
#2 Activate your Verbs
- Strong verbs create strong actions, save words, and reveal the players.
-The Subjects preforms the action of the verb.
ex. Bond climbed the few stairs and unlocked and unlocked the door.
Bond climbed, unlocked and unlocked (subject preforms the action of the verb)
#3 Take it easy on the "ing's"
- prefer the simples past tense
- "ings" add syllables (makes writing longer)
- "ings" change sounds
- "ings" start to sound the same (repetitive)
ex. Anna went running, swimming and rollerskating last weekend when she went to San Diego.
(using ing's)
When Anna visited San Diego last weekend, she ran, swam, and roller skated.
(taking it easy in ing's)
#4 Watch those adverbs
-Use adverbs to change the meaning of the verb.
ex. The girl happily smiled ( In this sentence, the writer is not watching the adverbs beacuse the adverb happily is descriving the smile, and usually people smile when they are happy).
The girl slowly blinlked. ( In this sentence, the adverb slowly is used correctly beacue people usually blink in a very fast phase changing the meaning of the verb).
#5 The Loop.
The loop is a writing technique that starts with an itroduction, the middle with pahargraphs relating with the intro, and ending with the outro which is comming back to the introduction letting the writting go beyond your paper, not ending it with a conclusion like most 5 pharargraph essays do.
A good introduction consits of
- Character(s)
- Character development
- details
- setting
- location
- date
- conflicts
ect. The intro does not have to have all of the above, but enough to develop the story.
#6 Concerts not panckaes
Panckaes: When writing in panckaes mode, it means that your writing starts off very good, its amazing omg you cant belive how good it is! then the ending is so bad you want to shoot yourself.
Ex. of pancake writing: The mighty hades god of the underworld. had the world under his grip. He had conquered Olyimpus and even the mighty god of gods Zeus was under haedes command. Just as hades was about to strike the mighty final blow on the world, a man pops out of nowhere and stabs hades in the face and kills him.
the end.
Concerts: When writing in Concert mode, it means that your writting starts off very good, and also ends very good, making it an exelent piece of writting that makes the reader doing something about it in his life or taking it to the next level.
Ex. of concert writing: The mighty hades god of the underworld had the world under his grip. He had conquered Olyimpus and even the mighty god of gods Zeus was under haedes command. Just as hades was about to strike the mighty final blow on the world, the mortal son of Zeus, Perseus draws his Scimitar of the Light. Hades, blinded by the power of the scimitar and unable to defend himself, was sliced by Perseus in half, saving the world and the gods of Olympus.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Icons Part 4
I remember when my grandmother would sit down and tell me stories about my Grandfather. He died when I was 2 years old, and it is very hard for me to remember his image. I could only see his image through pictures my grandmother would show me Every time my mom left me with my abuelita to be babysat, she would sit down and tell me history about my grandfather. She would tell me that he is very well known in Tijuana, even now after his death. He always dedicated himself to helping others. She said that he owned a very large piece of land in Tijuana that is now known as La Colonia Castillo. He gave off the land to people that were trying to get back on their feet instead of selling it off and becoming a wealthy man. He had a very important anvision, he wanted to be remember for a very long time, he didn't want to die and his memory to die off along with him, he wanted to be remembered for the good deeds he did through his life and leave his mark in history. I always have felt the same way, I also want to leave my mark in history, so ever since I have memory of my grandfather, I have wanted to live the legacy he set down for me.
Resources: My Grandmother and my mother
- I did not revise my resources because my grandmother and my mother know everything i need to know about my grandfather. Also later when i talk about the Mason Society, my grandmother knows everything i need to know about them and if I need something else, i can use Wikipedia.
- The picture above is a picture of me and my grandmother. I decided not to use the church as planned because The church does not represent ether my grandfather or the Masons, I just wanted to use it because the family has gone to that church since I have memory, but really does not represent anything I'm talking about so I decided to use a picture of my grandmother and I because in the introduction, I mention that my grandmother talks a lot about my grandmother, also she revealed to me that he was part of the Mason society, so I want this picture represents that family is together.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Icons Part 3
I remember when my grandmother would sit down and tell me stories about my Grandfather. He died when I was 2 years old, and it is very hard for me to remember his image. I could only see his image through pictures my grandmother would show me. My grandmother would tell me that he is very well known in Tijuana, even now after his death. He always dedicated himself to helping others. My grandmother said that he owned a very large piece of land in Tijuana that is now known as La Colonia Castillo. He gave off the land to people that were trying to get back on his feet instead of selling it off and becoming a wealthy man. He had a very important an vision, he wanted to be remember for a very long time, he didn't want to die and his memory to die off along with him, he wanted to be remembered for the good deeds he did through his life and leave his mark in history. I always have felt the same way, I also want to leave my mark in history, so ever since I have known about my grandfather, I have always tried to follow his footsteps in my life.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Icons Part 2
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Icon 1
Monday, July 26, 2010
Summer School Blog1

1 Goals 4 summer school
Monday, June 21, 2010
This I Belive (A World Without Borders)

My grandmother once told me that mankind is our true nationality. That no matter how we speak, where we live, or how we look, we are all human. I asked her, “then why do we build fences around countries to keep certain people away? If we are all humans and all the same, then why do we want to keep each other away?” My grandmother said that even though we are all the same, we are still afraid to embrace one another’s religions and cultures, afraid that if a high concentration of different people move in and practice their own traditions, our own true identities may be frogoten. Even up to this day, we are still afraid of people’s unique appearances and so we build fences to keep them away.
I thought to myself how life would be all over the world if we closed all borders. What if we let anyone from any place go anywhere, and move wherever they want? I think that would be a wonderful idea. Now that all types of humans have spread over the globe, it would be much easier for people to adapt to different lifestyles. I think this is possible because on a constant basis, I pass through neighborhoods and see children of all races playing soccer on the street, they all grew up together and got used to their differences and manage to get along, so if one neighborhood can do it, maybe the world can as well. We as the human species would be able to learn from people all over the globe about how to live a better lifestyle.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
R.E.M. Soundtrack

A Visit to Calliope
- I cant tell you why By Shin Kono
Pg. 67- 68 until the end of the 1st section on pg 28. This song goes perfect in this part because this piece of music is a bit sad in the beginning but then it gets more soothing as it goes and it goes perfect with this section of the chapter because it almost seems sad that Ishmael only has a few weeks left and then the mood gets a bit happier because Ishmael will finally release the message he must send to Julie.
- August’s Rhapsody By Unknown Composer (Soundtrack)
Pg. 68 starting into the second section up until pg 75 (end of chapter)
In the second section of pg 68 Ishmael begins to talk about calliope which in the book is like another world and so in the beginning of the song, it sounds mysterious, almost as if you are exploring a place you have never been into, and as you go, the song is almost describing nature. The whole chapter describes nature and the way life works, how we see things. That’s why this soundtrack goes well with this chapter.
Calliope Part II
- Beethoven Piano Sonata in C sharp “ Moonlight” By Evelyne Dubourg
Pg 76 – 83 This song goes with this section of the chapter because Ishmael talks about what animals do for their offspring to survive like killing each other’s offspring ( white footed mouse ) and about evolution which consists of killing and fighting each other and that these strategies evolve because they “work” . In my point of view, I find this depressing because animals must kill and fight to survive, therefore a sad theme is perfect to my ear for this section of the chapter.
- Egmont Overture By Ludwig Van Beethoven
Pg. pg. 83 (where he begins to talk about calliope again) – 91 (end of chapter)
Ishmael begins to talk about survival and evolution in a more serious way. He explains how awk’s forest disappeared, so they evolved into Bawks, the Bawks had to work together to find food in their new environment, developed teamwork ect. This song goes well with this scene because it sound serious but a happy serious, almost as if things are going as planned. That’s why the song goes with this part of the chapter.
Alan’s Ishmael
- My Immortal By Evanescence
Pg 282 – 286. This song goes perfect with this chapter because this song sort of reflects “a pain that is just too real, there is just too much that cannot erase” also a part that of the song that says “you used to captivate me by your resonating light, now I’m bound by the life you left behind.” These lyrics relate to Julie because she is sort of bounded by the life Ishmael left behind for her. Julie now has a different view of the world, probably would have never seen the world she sees now if it wasn’t for Ishmael. Now she lives a life based on Ishmael’s teachings. Thtas how this song relates to this chapter.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Evelyn Glennie
I really enjoyed listening to Evelyn Glennie play the Marimba. She played it in a very soothing way that relaxes you.
I really think that each person experiences music in their own way by what they like to hear. It all depends on what you find soothing or pleasurable to hear. For example some people like rap, reggae or maybe hip pop but sometimes music can be manifested by your own life experiences. Rock represents some of my past life experiences and i can actually see myself in the lyrics so it all depends on what you find comfortable and recognizable to the ear.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
School Garden

Questions From Board
Does this visit inspires you to make your own Garden?
- This visit to the senior garden does not inspire me to make my own garden because i never did like to garden. It's not that I hate it, it's just that I'm not interested in gardening.
What would you grow if you hd this garden?
- If i had the senior garden, i would grow plants that decorate my house, makes it look nice, also i would grow fruits that I enjoy, which is basically anything that is tropical.
Do you think the seniors care about the garden?
- I do think that the seniors care about the garden, the garden is very well groomed, and when asking questions, the seniors (at least the one I asked) seemed very confident with the information they shared with me.
What kind of plants were there?
-There were many types of plants, there were:
snap dragons
rainbow chard
and many more......
Interviewed Questions
What's the purpose of the Garden?
- The purpose of the garden is to learn about plants (gardening) to eat healthier and mantain a healthier lifestyle.
How did the senior garden started/who funded it?
- John (environmental sciences teacher) started the garden. John asked a group of students to help him with the garden and they all worked together to create the garden.
What's the future of the Garden?
- Each senior generation will hopefully maintain the garden until they are asked to remove the garden by the owners of the NTC. Students are welcome to help mantain the garden during summer.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Talking These Ideas Out

- I highly agree with the concepts from both "Food Inc" and "My Ishmael" because they both prove and relate to the real world that are true facts. Both share points that make you think around the world around you and think about fats that are going on behind your back.
- My mother thought about the things that I shared to her about what i learned in class. She thought that it's very sad that people go so far to earn money, but what can ordinary people like her do? Those companies pay the government so they can continue to do the damage they create on our everyday food and so, we are unable to do anything especially in these economic times.
Monday, April 19, 2010
School Daze Dialectic Journal
"Not so in tribal societies. In tribal societies, the three year old is free to explore the world around it as far as it likes, which is not far as it will go when it's four, five six, seven or eight. There simply are no walls shutting the child in or out of any age, no doors closed against it. There is no age when it "should" learn a given thing. nor wold anyone ever dream of giving thought to such thing."
part of quote pg 150
I think this part of the quote Ishmael says is very true. This happens in everyday childhood. The older a child gets the more its going to learn about the world around them for example myself, when i was four, my family got our first computer, myself not knowing anything about it, decided to explore the computer and learn how to use it, and the older i got, the more i learned about it. Basically it's the same thing as the quote from My Ishmael but in different terms but i really enjoy how this book actually relates to real world things/situations that you know about or have experienced.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Fall of Castiel

“Why do you ask me questions you know the answer of?”
Ignacio yelled at his son. Castiel had tried for years to make a peace agreement between the Ortiz and the Montesora families that way he would be able marry the love of his life, Maria Montesora, but so far his plans had failed and he was becoming desperate for if he didn’t marry soon, he would be forced to leave his homeland Cuba and go to America to run the American Ortiz cartel, meaning he would have to leave Maria behind.
“Father please be reasonable Castiel “I love her! She has proven herself trustworthy and just like me, she wants peace between both of our families! Just think how it will be”- Castiel desperately said as his father interrupted him.
“But father” jumped in Castiel.
“No! I’m through with this discussion.” His father said with stern face.
“I hate you father!” Castiel yelled and then ran to the top floor of his mansion where his room was. Castiel was very young still only 16. He was statuesque and had a lighter pigment than most Cubans. Ignacio, his father, married an American woman, therefore he inherited his mother’s skin tone. He had long dark hair that almost looked like burnt curly fries. Castiel hated his father for not being able to make peace with the Montesora family which was Maria’s family. Both families had been enemies for 90 years now and just thinking about that made Castiel as furious as a bull chasing red. He began to throw everything in his room but then as he was about to throw the picture of Maria he calmed himself down and turned on his TV, only to find a romantic Mexican soap opera . His anger reached the limit, he yelled with an anger that sent a chill up his own spine and threw the TV out of his window.
Night came and as Castiel did every night, he sneaked out of the mansion and went to the abandoned marijuana warehouse where Maria was already waiting for him. Maria had pure Cuban blood in her. She was as tall as the average teenage girl. Her hair was long and black and shined like diamonds in the sunlight and for some reason, she would always wear white. When Castiel saw her inside the dusty warehouse, he ran up to her and kissed her passionately and said, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day”
“Neither could I how did the talk with your father go?” asked Maria.
“Just as last time I’m running out of options, I do not know what to do we are running out of time! My birthday is in 6 months, I’ll then be forced to move to America and I cant let that happen, my heart will be left in darkness and become cold as snow if I’m forced to leave you!” Castiel replied.
“We could run away” Maria replied.
“No you know or families have unlimited resources, they will easily find us”. Castiel replied
“Well then we could attempt yet another peace treaty tomorrow night at the feast of enemies.” Maria said.
“Of course!” Castiel replied excitedly. “Both our families at the dinner table, we can reason with both of them at the same time and they might just give in!
“I just hope this works” Maria said.
The following night at the Feast of Enemies, everyone was formally and extravagantly dressed even Ignacio was quite fancy. Usually whore a green shirt with military jeans that smelled like cigar, his hair would be all over the place and his beard would be long and scruffy. But today being an important day for all Cuban cartels, his hair was drawn back, his beard was shaven and wearing a tuxedo that did not smelled like cigar. Every guest watched their back. They were surrounded by their bodyguards, but the funny thing was nobody seemed nervous, no one but Castiel and Maria. When both the Montesora and Ortiz families sat down at the extravagant dinner table, Castiel quickly rose and said, “Gentlemen, ladies of both Montesora and Ortiz families, I have an announcement. I would like to offer a peace treaty between both Ortiz and the Montesora families.”
Everyone in the room laughed.
“Oh please” said Gabriel, head of the Montesora cartel and Maria’s father. What do you think this is the feast of peace? We are here to threaten and make our enemies fear us, not to make peace!”
“You don’t understand a peace treaty between both our families would”- Castiel said as he was interrupted.
“A peace treaty between both families would just start another cartel war I will not have this ridiculous conversation any longer! Ignacio, tell your boy to leave this room before he brings any more shame to your family!” Gabriel interrupted.
“He is right go up to your room, you have done enough here.” Replied Ignacio
“But father” cut in Castiel
“Go now” Ignacio yelled.
“I hate you!” Castiel yelled and left the room. Maria left the room crying.
“Jose! Follow my son; make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid” Ignacio yelled. Jose left the room
“Gabriel” Ignacio said “we cannot have our kids seeing each other; something needs to be done”
“aye” Gabriel responded “Something must be done and I think I might know just what.”
Castiel was loosing his mind. His room was a disaster and his veins on his head were as visible as looking through glass. His anger had reached his limits.
“I have the solution!” Castiel said to himself angrily, his head trembling “I will kill my father and take the cartel. I will ask Maria to do the same, she will agree and then we will make peace between the families and live happily for ever!”
“Please tell me I didn’t hear that” José said as he opened the door.
“What are you going to do?” Castiel said his head still trembling.
“I will do what I have to do to protect Ignacio and his cartel” Jose said.
“So you are going to kill me?” Castiel asked.
“If that’s what I have to do to keep this family safe, yes I will”. Jose replied.
“My father loves me; he will kill you on the spot if he knows you killed me”. Castiel said as he slowly opened his drawer.
“I don’t care as long as I die keeping my promise to your father.” Jose said
There was such seriousness on Jose‘s face. He was for real, he was going to kill Castiel. He became scared he did not want to die so he quickly looked at Jose in the eyes and said, “Don’t worry about that, my father wont kill you, I will!” In that moment, Castiel took out a revolver out of the drawer and shot Jose in the head all before Jose could blink, he then picked up Jose’s corpse and stuffed him in his closet. He began to cry and then made a note for Maria, folded it and ran outside looking for her. He found her sitting and told her, “Maria here read this note first thing in the morning.”
“Why?” Maria asked
“Just do it please” Castiel said and then ran back to the house.
The next morning when Maria woke up, she opened Castile’s letter. It said
Please meet me at the usual abandoned marijuana warehouse at 12pm – Castiel. She hurried downstairs and got into her car.
“Hello” she heard.
Maria screamed at the top of her lungs. It was Ignacio.
“Maria tells me where Castiel is.”
“Why” Maria responded
“He killed one of my men and left this morning”
“You’re lying how can you say that?”
“I found Jose dead in his room. I checked the security cameras and they show Jose coming in to his room but he never comes out.”
“Get out of my car” Maria said. Get out now before I call security!” Ignacio got out and Maria drove as fast as she could to the warehouse with tears coming out of her eyes, unable to believe what she had heard. When she got to the warehouse, she found Castiel waiting for her inside. “Castiel!” she yelled and Castiel came up to her and hugged her.
“I have found a way for us to be together. I must eliminate what stands in the way of our love.” Castiel said.
“What are you trying to say?” Maria said.
“I must kill my father. I have already killed his best friend Jose, now I must hurry and kill him before he finishes me off.” Castiel said with a mad look in his face.
“He knows” Maria said with tears coming down her face. “He told me so but Castiel, you’re breaking my heart you’re going down a path that as a Montesora can not follow!”
“Why, Because of my father?”
“Because of what you have done to Jose, because of what you plan to do with your father. Please stop, stop now come back I love you!
“LIAR” Castiel yelled. At that moment, Ignacio came in through the back door, of the warehouse.
“No stay away Ignacio! Castiel, he’s trying to kill you!” Maria yelled.
“No you’re with him! You brought him here to kill me!” Castiel said as he took out his revolver and pointed it to Maria.
“Put the gun down Castiel!” Ignacio yelled. “Put the gun down.”
“The only thing I will put down is you!” Castiel yelled.
“No! He is your father, he raised and loved you are you going to kill him in cold blood!?” Maria said.
“It must be done.” Castiel said as he pointed the gun at Ignacio. Ignacio closed his eyes, and thought to himself: “So this is how I’ll die, in cold blood by my own son. BAM! BAM! Ignacio felt confused
“This is not how I expected death would feel like?” He thought.
“Nooooo!” Castiel yelled. Ignacio opened his eyes and found Maria Dead on the floor. She had protected him.
“You!” Castiel Yelled. “You turned her against me!”
“No you have done that yourself!”
“You will not take her from me!”
“Your anger and your lust for power have already done that” Ignacio said. “You have allowed your anger to disturb your mind until now, until now you have become the very thing you swore upon your family, your honor, your dignity that you would never become: a family traitor! And besides, she’s dead what is there to take!”
“You are a traitor against yourself! If you don’t make peace with the Montesora, I will, by any means necessary!” Castiel said.
“Only a selfish immature traitor as you deals with the absolute. I will do what I must.” Ignacio said as he took something from his pocket. Castiel thought Ignacio would pull out a gun so he quickly took his revolver and shot Ignacio twice in the chest.
“You will not destroy me or my dream!” Castiel said to Ignacio who was quickly loosing blood and having difficulty breathing.
“My son, w-why would you kill me when all I was doing was giving you the documents to hand you over the company.” Ignacio said
“What!?” Castiel yelled as he went through his father’s bloody pockets. He found the documents but they were covered in blood, ruined and unable to use to claim Ignacio’s properties.
“You have let your anger consume you Castiel, now you have killed me, destroying the documents as well. Now you will pay for your sins, walking this world in poverty until you die and nothing will change that.” Ignacio said with his last breaths and seconds later died. Castiel began to cry and scream
“You are wrong father! I do not have to live in this world! I will come and follow you to hell and burn with you for eternity!”
Castiel picked up his revolver, put it inside his mouth and said “forgive me Maria, forgive me father.” Castiel then pulled the trigger and ended his life, entering through the gates of hell burning for eternity along with his father.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Article #2 Enviorment
This article is called "First-Ever Census of Marine Life" by B.B. what it talks about is that this year in 2010, a company of ichthyologists funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation discover 1,400 species of marine life but now, they will try to count all marine life and also try to estimate how many of each species exist with the help of 2,000 scientists from more than 80 nations that investigates marine inhabitants.
we should care about this article because the results of this research will determine about how many undiscovered species are at the ocean, how many species are endangered and/or being over fished. The results will be presented at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Article #1 (MATH)

This article is about the research category of medicine. It basically talks about how prices on prescription medicine will fall but It will cost people that work in the medicine industry their jobs.
This article/topic doesn't talk about a discovery, it talks about how cutting medicine costs will cause people in the medicine industry to loose their jobs for example in the article, Corey Binns the author of the article writes that the drugmaker Eli Lilly aims to reduce costs by $1 billion but in order to meet that demand, the company must cut 5,500 jobs so this action is a good thing but at the same time, this will affect the 5,500 people that will loose their jobs.
I'm not sure what's going to happen to the ACTUAL article. Maybe what says in the article will become effective.
There is nothing standing in the way of this topic's success.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Civilization Art Pillar Reflection (HUMANITIES)
For the civilization art pillar, we had to draw an image that would represent the section of the civilization you were researching and learning about. I was learning about Aztec Government and the final image i made is above.
First before i could even get painting, i had to do a rough sketch of the image i was going to paint and get it approved. once my sketch was finished and approved my my humanities teacher MRS. Charlotte, i carefully painted my pillar and finished.
I learned that Aztecs used their military to represent the strength of their empire and since the government controls their military i thought that i could draw some sort of military symbol to represent the Aztec government so what i made was sort of like an European symbol of two swords crossed on a shield so then i took the main weapon of the Aztec infantry which is an obsidian weapon called the "Macuahuitl" and crossed them together.
A challenge i encountered was putting the image in the actual pillar because we were given a very limited space and my image was quite big so i had to reduce the image a lot. Also, there was a very low supply of black paint and i wanted to make the background black so i had to find a good color that would go with the image i was drawing.
Something i would do the same is draw the same image if i was ever asked because i really like the image i made. Its not original, but i think its pretty cool. I dont think i would do anything differently.
This will help me later if i need to paint. Every time i pain i get a little bit better so i'm pretty sure if i'm ever to pain again, i will paint better.
Semester Academic Goals (HUMANITIES)

1st goal:
I want to use the habit Of Mind OWNERSHIP "is this my best work?" because i know i can do better in all my work so therefore every time I'm doing any type of work, (homework, projects etc.) i will keep in mind before i turn it in to check my work and see if it meets my expectations or if it does not.
2nd goal:
I want to come to office hours when i don't understand something related to my humanities work. I need to make an effort to come because part of why i did bad at this class is that i don't ask for help as much and i just leave the problem for the last minute until it's too late so whenever i need help i'm going to come to office hours
3rd goal:
My final goal for this semester is to use the habit of mind MINDFULNESS. I will remember it especially when I'm doing group work so i will finish my work and i wont end up affecting my group members.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Semester Academic Goals (MATH)

Goal: I want to go to office hours when i don't understand a math concept
step #1: not understanding a math concept
step #2: after school going to Mele during her office hours and ask her for help.
Goal: I want to take neat notes on my brain book so when i need to review the material, i wont have a hard time reading my own handwriting
Step #1: when writing notes on brain book, write slower so my notes wont be messy.
Goal: I want to have an organized binder so when looking for my work, i wont go crazy looking for it.
Step #1 put all papers in the section of the bender that they are supposed to go, not on the side pockets where everything falls off.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Time Traveler's Reflection (HUMANITIES)
The time traveler's project was project where we had to make an object that would benefit a civilization that we were assigned to. The objects that were available to build and send were: Trebuchet, Sailboat & Irrigation System.
For my research paper, first i had to study my civilization and the specific pillar i was studying about it which in my case was government. then i had to gather all my information and put them in 7 paragraphs which were: introduction, general overview, strengths, weaknesses, comparing civilizations, success or failure & conclusion. finally i had to make sure my paragraphs were following T.E.A. transition rules which means that the first part of the paragraph was a Topic, the second part was an analysis, and the final part of the paragraph was a conclusion.
I learned how to use T.E.A. transition rules and how to make a strong introduction paragraph using subordinatiors
I had challenges finding information on the Aztec government outside Wikipedia and i didn't' want to get all my information from one resource. I also had challenges using T.E.A. transitions because sometimes i couldn't fit an analysis at the end of my paragraphs.
Something i would do differently for this project is to get help when I need help because i know that if i would have asked for help for the research paper, i could have gotten a better grade in it. Something I would do the same is to write a strong introductory paragraph.
This assignment/project will help me later so when I have to write another research paper, I will have enough experience to make a good and better paper.