Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer School Writing Tips.

#1 Make Meeting Early
- Begin sentences with subjects and verbs

ex. Rebels seized control of Kapashian.

(Subject: Rebels)
(Verb: seized)

#2 Activate your Verbs

- Strong verbs create strong actions, save words, and reveal the players.
-The Subjects preforms the action of the verb.

ex. Bond climbed the few stairs and unlocked and unlocked the door.

Bond climbed, unlocked and unlocked (subject preforms the action of the verb)

#3 Take it easy on the "ing's"

- prefer the simples past tense
- "ings" add syllables (makes writing longer)
- "ings" change sounds
- "ings" start to sound the same (repetitive)

ex. Anna went running, swimming and rollerskating last weekend when she went to San Diego.
(using ing's)

When Anna visited San Diego last weekend, she ran, swam, and roller skated.
(taking it easy in ing's)

#4 Watch those adverbs

-Use adverbs to change the meaning of the verb.

ex. The girl happily smiled ( In this sentence, the writer is not watching the adverbs beacuse the adverb happily is descriving the smile, and usually people smile when they are happy).

The girl slowly blinlked. ( In this sentence, the adverb slowly is used correctly beacue people usually blink in a very fast phase changing the meaning of the verb).

#5 The Loop.

The loop is a writing technique that starts with an itroduction, the middle with pahargraphs relating with the intro, and ending with the outro which is comming back to the introduction letting the writting go beyond your paper, not ending it with a conclusion like most 5 pharargraph essays do.

A good introduction consits of
  • Character(s)
  • Character development
  • details
  • setting
  • location
  • date
  • conflicts

ect. The intro does not have to have all of the above, but enough to develop the story.

#6 Concerts not panckaes

Panckaes: When writing in panckaes mode, it means that your writing starts off very good, its amazing omg you cant belive how good it is! then the ending is so bad you want to shoot yourself.

Ex. of pancake writing: The mighty hades god of the underworld. had the world under his grip. He had conquered Olyimpus and even the mighty god of gods Zeus was under haedes command. Just as hades was about to strike the mighty final blow on the world, a man pops out of nowhere and stabs hades in the face and kills him.

the end.

Concerts: When writing in Concert mode, it means that your writting starts off very good, and also ends very good, making it an exelent piece of writting that makes the reader doing something about it in his life or taking it to the next level.

Ex. of concert writing: The mighty hades god of the underworld had the world under his grip. He had conquered Olyimpus and even the mighty god of gods Zeus was under haedes command. Just as hades was about to strike the mighty final blow on the world, the mortal son of Zeus, Perseus draws his Scimitar of the Light. Hades, blinded by the power of the scimitar and unable to defend himself, was sliced by Perseus in half, saving the world and the gods of Olympus.

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