Thursday, August 5, 2010

Icons Part 3

Now that i know my icon, I now know where to do further research. I must interview my grandmother which is the person that knows the most about my grandfather

I remember when my grandmother would sit down and tell me stories about my Grandfather. He died when I was 2 years old, and it is very hard for me to remember his image. I could only see his image through pictures my grandmother would show me. My grandmother would tell me that he is very well known in Tijuana, even now after his death. He always dedicated himself to helping others. My grandmother said that he owned a very large piece of land in Tijuana that is now known as La Colonia Castillo. He gave off the land to people that were trying to get back on his feet instead of selling it off and becoming a wealthy man. He had a very important an vision, he wanted to be remember for a very long time, he didn't want to die and his memory to die off along with him, he wanted to be remembered for the good deeds he did through his life and leave his mark in history. I always have felt the same way, I also want to leave my mark in history, so ever since I have known about my grandfather, I have always tried to follow his footsteps in my life.

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