Friday, August 13, 2010
Summer School Reflection
This is Eric's first pharagraph for his Icons project for summer school. I think it's an extreamly high quality piece of work because it follows most of the requierments of the Intro that randy said to us, the begining the quote "We must fear evil men, but what we must fear most is the indiference of good men" is very inspiering and gets the reader hooked to the reading.
The aspect that I like most about my own writting is that I wrote about masonry and how my familiy connects to it. I really like it because my familiy keeps quiet about it and does not mention this to anyone. My familiy take the mason issue very seriously and i'm the first one to talk about it in a school or anywhere outside if school.
If I had one more day to work on my Icons Project, i would try to find a better picture because i really think that i could find a better picture representing masonry on my family.
The importance of the icons project was to learn on how to write reflective writing and to apply the writing tips that we learned throughout summer school.
(A group of school children take over a Pacific coral island. Their plane crashed and the boys from 6 to 12 are left alone in an island. Ralph is chosen as leader. He accomplished it by calling the first meeting when he learned to blow on a conch, good at public speaking and good organization between them. He always putting rescue first.......)
This is the first few sentences of Marcos's book review. I think its great because it reflects on the writing and tells you what the story is about, and compares people's views on the story.
The aspect that i like the most about my book review is that i as well reflect on what the story is about and explain the book, spoiling it.(i like spoilers)
If i had one more day to work on my book review, i would get randy or anna to review my book review to see if it's worthy of putting it on
The importantce of book reviews is to prove what you learned about the book and state your views and opinions on of the book
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Icon Project Final
My grandfather’s name is Jose Perez Velazquez. He was very family oriented. Back in his days, when my mom was just a girl, he refused to have dinner until the whole family was together. He loved his family, especially my mom because she knew how to cook as well as my grandmother. When I asked around the neighborhood where my mom grew up, I did not hear one negative thing about him, only positive things. “He would drop whatever he was doing and come help me build my house when I needed an extra pair of hands” Don Ponsiano said. Don Ponsiano was one of the men that received land from my grandfather. He opened a small Abarrotes, a corner grocery store with the land my grandfather gave him. The store was so successful that Don Ponsiano decided to pay back the land to my grandfather, “Without him, I would have never been able to open my small business, I would be a homeless without him and I’m grateful for his help.” Don Ponsiano explained technique .
My grandfather’s vision of leaving his mark in history came from his greatest idol, Benito Juarez. According to my grandmother, his grandfather was friends with Benito Juarez, and that’s where his entire obsession with him came from. All my grandfather’s good deeds where based on Benito Juarez’s actions. Recently, my grandmother revealed to me and my cousin “El Bunny” that our grandfather was part of the Mason Society. Just like his grandfather along with Benito Juarez, he was a Mason. My Grandfather had an image of at least one man from each generation of the family becoming a Mason. Due to all my uncles failing the important task, it was up to my cousin and I to fulfill the difficult task. Masonry has always sounded interesting to me. All I know about them is what I had read on books and seen on movies. I have never thought about becoming one until my grandmother assigned me the task that for some reason. It sounds impossible for me to fulfill. Masonry requires knowledge and having powerful logic on present and past major events, which I don’t have according to my grandmother. But she has faith in me that as I mature, I’ll become more aware of the world and meet the requirements to fulfill my grandfather’s legacy. I know that I am capable of doing good things like my grandfather, he did not fulfill his accomplishments overnight, but he proved that if you dedicate yourself to something, you can accomplish anything. I will dedicate every moment of my life to become as great as my grandfather was. He is my inspiration, and I will live the legacy he set down for me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Summer School Writing Tips.
- Begin sentences with subjects and verbs
ex. Rebels seized control of Kapashian.
(Subject: Rebels)
(Verb: seized)
#2 Activate your Verbs
- Strong verbs create strong actions, save words, and reveal the players.
-The Subjects preforms the action of the verb.
ex. Bond climbed the few stairs and unlocked and unlocked the door.
Bond climbed, unlocked and unlocked (subject preforms the action of the verb)
#3 Take it easy on the "ing's"
- prefer the simples past tense
- "ings" add syllables (makes writing longer)
- "ings" change sounds
- "ings" start to sound the same (repetitive)
ex. Anna went running, swimming and rollerskating last weekend when she went to San Diego.
(using ing's)
When Anna visited San Diego last weekend, she ran, swam, and roller skated.
(taking it easy in ing's)
#4 Watch those adverbs
-Use adverbs to change the meaning of the verb.
ex. The girl happily smiled ( In this sentence, the writer is not watching the adverbs beacuse the adverb happily is descriving the smile, and usually people smile when they are happy).
The girl slowly blinlked. ( In this sentence, the adverb slowly is used correctly beacue people usually blink in a very fast phase changing the meaning of the verb).
#5 The Loop.
The loop is a writing technique that starts with an itroduction, the middle with pahargraphs relating with the intro, and ending with the outro which is comming back to the introduction letting the writting go beyond your paper, not ending it with a conclusion like most 5 pharargraph essays do.
A good introduction consits of
- Character(s)
- Character development
- details
- setting
- location
- date
- conflicts
ect. The intro does not have to have all of the above, but enough to develop the story.
#6 Concerts not panckaes
Panckaes: When writing in panckaes mode, it means that your writing starts off very good, its amazing omg you cant belive how good it is! then the ending is so bad you want to shoot yourself.
Ex. of pancake writing: The mighty hades god of the underworld. had the world under his grip. He had conquered Olyimpus and even the mighty god of gods Zeus was under haedes command. Just as hades was about to strike the mighty final blow on the world, a man pops out of nowhere and stabs hades in the face and kills him.
the end.
Concerts: When writing in Concert mode, it means that your writting starts off very good, and also ends very good, making it an exelent piece of writting that makes the reader doing something about it in his life or taking it to the next level.
Ex. of concert writing: The mighty hades god of the underworld had the world under his grip. He had conquered Olyimpus and even the mighty god of gods Zeus was under haedes command. Just as hades was about to strike the mighty final blow on the world, the mortal son of Zeus, Perseus draws his Scimitar of the Light. Hades, blinded by the power of the scimitar and unable to defend himself, was sliced by Perseus in half, saving the world and the gods of Olympus.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Icons Part 4
I remember when my grandmother would sit down and tell me stories about my Grandfather. He died when I was 2 years old, and it is very hard for me to remember his image. I could only see his image through pictures my grandmother would show me Every time my mom left me with my abuelita to be babysat, she would sit down and tell me history about my grandfather. She would tell me that he is very well known in Tijuana, even now after his death. He always dedicated himself to helping others. She said that he owned a very large piece of land in Tijuana that is now known as La Colonia Castillo. He gave off the land to people that were trying to get back on their feet instead of selling it off and becoming a wealthy man. He had a very important anvision, he wanted to be remember for a very long time, he didn't want to die and his memory to die off along with him, he wanted to be remembered for the good deeds he did through his life and leave his mark in history. I always have felt the same way, I also want to leave my mark in history, so ever since I have memory of my grandfather, I have wanted to live the legacy he set down for me.
Resources: My Grandmother and my mother
- I did not revise my resources because my grandmother and my mother know everything i need to know about my grandfather. Also later when i talk about the Mason Society, my grandmother knows everything i need to know about them and if I need something else, i can use Wikipedia.
- The picture above is a picture of me and my grandmother. I decided not to use the church as planned because The church does not represent ether my grandfather or the Masons, I just wanted to use it because the family has gone to that church since I have memory, but really does not represent anything I'm talking about so I decided to use a picture of my grandmother and I because in the introduction, I mention that my grandmother talks a lot about my grandmother, also she revealed to me that he was part of the Mason society, so I want this picture represents that family is together.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Icons Part 3
I remember when my grandmother would sit down and tell me stories about my Grandfather. He died when I was 2 years old, and it is very hard for me to remember his image. I could only see his image through pictures my grandmother would show me. My grandmother would tell me that he is very well known in Tijuana, even now after his death. He always dedicated himself to helping others. My grandmother said that he owned a very large piece of land in Tijuana that is now known as La Colonia Castillo. He gave off the land to people that were trying to get back on his feet instead of selling it off and becoming a wealthy man. He had a very important an vision, he wanted to be remember for a very long time, he didn't want to die and his memory to die off along with him, he wanted to be remembered for the good deeds he did through his life and leave his mark in history. I always have felt the same way, I also want to leave my mark in history, so ever since I have known about my grandfather, I have always tried to follow his footsteps in my life.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Icons Part 2
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Icon 1