1.How does a hero become a hero?
I believe that a hero becomes a hero when he/she is publicly named or titled a hero. Also a hero becomes a REAL hero when he/she saves a life or does good for mankind.
2. What was the Hero In My Eyes Project?
The Hero In My Eyes Project was when a project were you had to take someone in your family, friend, or anyone you know that is still alive. You had to interview them and learn about something Heroic they did and write a story about their heroic moment.
3. What steps were taken to get to the final product?
First of all, I had to get with my grandmother to interview her. That was very simple because i interviewed her the same day i interviewed her about my grandfather for Spanish class, Then i had to write the hero sketch, witch it didn't came out well so i had to redo it. Thankfully i was given 1 day extra to complete it and got it in on time.
4. What did you learn? What challenges did you encounter? What would you do the same or different? How will this help you later?
I learned to use dialogue correctly and also the proper way to write it on the paper (the spacing). The biggest challenge i encountered was adding emotion to my paper. I don't know exactly how to add emotion and i still have trouble adding emotion.
Something i would have done differently would be revising my final paper. I have to admit i was in a hurry to finish my final paper and i didn't revise it. This project will help me later when im writing papers, i will know how to properly use dialouge.
5. Pick one of the six Habits of Mind and describe how you used it in this project.
Mindfulness: Will my actions affect others? Maybe in this project it wouldn't affect anyone but more like how would my actions affect myself. I used it in the beginning getting my interview and pictures on time but sadly, i didin't use it at the end.