It was one of the hottest afternoons of summer. The clock on the car struck 2:30pm. All I wanted was to go head home, the only place I could feel relaxed.
My four year old cousin Jenifer is a very annoying person. Her dog Bruno was with us. He was the most beautiful German shepherd I’ve ever seen. His beauty came from how his fur shined in the sunlight. A Few minutes had passed, when suddenly Jenifer became thirsty. My mother told Jenifer to wait until we head home since we had no water in the car. Jenifer became angry. She began to kick on my mother’s seat, then to whine and cry. My mother became distracted. I tried to keep Jenifer quiet but it was hopeless. With the scorching heat sticking down on my mother, she became angry and frustrated. As she turned to yell at Jenifer to quiet her down, the car began to tilt to the right. I yelled at my mother to turn back to the wheel but it was too late.
Something struck me in my body, in my soul. I realized it was pain. Everything around me stopped for about five seconds. I could suddenly hear like a “boom” followed by the sound of shattering glass. I then suddenly couldn’t breathe because my seat belt had taken all the cold air out of my lungs. Those were the longest five seconds of my life, they almost felt eternal. It all suddenly went back to normal. Jenifer was crying and yelling, so was my mother. I realized we had crashed.
My mother told me to remove my seatbelt and to quickly help Jenifer out of the car seat because gasoline was leaking from the car. I rushed to help Jenifer but I realized she was unconscious. As I removed her seatbelt, I saw Bruno. Bruno lay on the car’s carpet. He was dead. I couldn’t believe what had happened. I loved the dog. He was my favorite “family pet” and since I didn’t had a dog I treated him as if he was my own. I felt as if a little piece of me was just slashed and stolen from me and it felt terrible. Tears began to fill my eyes. I petted Bruno one last time but I couldn’t feel anything. I touched Jenifer in the forehead but I didn’t feel her either. The shock from the crash and seeing Bruno dead left me numb. My mother yelled at me to hurry as she called 911. I grabbed Jenifer and quickly left the car, leaving Bruno Behind.
My mother told me to give her Jenifer, but as she tried to grab her unconscious body, her left hand went in terrible pain. My mother’s hand was broken. My mom told me to put Jenifer down but I didn’t want to. I didn’t care if she provoked the whole accident, but for some reason, I didn’t want to put her down. With Jenifer in my arms I thought to myself “God, after all these years of worshiping you, why have you made us suffer this terrible fate?” Ever since that ay, I couldn’t believe that God existed, I couldn’t believe that any man loving god could just one second be with him and the next abandon and leave him in the darkness to suffer, taking away a best friend even if it was just a dog.
I looked over at the other person’s car; a fat bald man was still inside the car. As I was about to put Jenifer down to help the man, I could finally hear an ambulance approaching, then a fire truck, followed by some police sirens. When the ambulance arrived, paramedics popped out with stretchers. They asked my mom asked if she wanted to be put in a stretcher. She answered no and said that Jenifer and I should be put in one. Jenifer was awakening as she was being put in the cold stretcher. When the paramedics put me in the stretcher, my mother garbed my hand; I suddenly began to feel again. I smiled and closed my eyes promising never to believe in god.
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