Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Time Traveler's Reflection (HUMANITIES)

Project description

The time traveler's project was project where we had to make an object that would benefit a civilization that we were assigned to. The objects that were available to build and send were: Trebuchet, Sailboat & Irrigation System.


For my research paper, first i had to study my civilization and the specific pillar i was studying about it which in my case was government. then i had to gather all my information and put them in 7 paragraphs which were: introduction, general overview, strengths, weaknesses, comparing civilizations, success or failure & conclusion. finally i had to make sure my paragraphs were following T.E.A. transition rules which means that the first part of the paragraph was a Topic, the second part was an analysis, and the final part of the paragraph was a conclusion.


I learned how to use T.E.A. transition rules and how to make a strong introduction paragraph using subordinatiors

I had challenges finding information on the Aztec government outside Wikipedia and i didn't' want to get all my information from one resource. I also had challenges using T.E.A. transitions because sometimes i couldn't fit an analysis at the end of my paragraphs.

Something i would do differently for this project is to get help when I need help because i know that if i would have asked for help for the research paper, i could have gotten a better grade in it. Something I would do the same is to write a strong introductory paragraph.

This assignment/project will help me later so when I have to write another research paper, I will have enough experience to make a good and better paper.

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