T Ray laid on his bed. Worried about Lily. "Where is she, Where the hell would a white girl run off to?" he thought. Suddenly, he heard a knock from the door. He opened it and Mr Avery was there. What do you want Tray Said. It seems Lily has helped Rosaleen escape from the hospital. She is in big trouble now". Wow impressive, how can a 14 year old girl and an overweight woman escape from the police" Tray said. I don't know Mr Avery said. You better find those two he said. They are not my problem they are yours now tray said. "Someone has to go to jail tray., and if i don't have Rosaleen in the back of my police car in 48 hours, you are" Mr. Avery said. "You cant do that, i didn't do shit "shoe" you ain't touching me!" Tray said. Remember 48 hours and don't even try running boy. if i do i will hunt you down and i will find you" Mr. Avery said. 48hours use them wisely.
End of Hidden Chapter