Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Talking These Ideas Out

- I have been severely struck by "Food Inc." I knew these things were happening, but i didn't really care or actually sat down and thought about these until someone actually shows you the things that are really happening to the food. What really has struck me about "Food Inc." was the slaughter houses/animal concentration camps . It's very hard for me to believe that humans can do so much cruelty to animals especially that these animals are born and raised to be killed. I believe that we humans being the superior species should use remedies or solutions to keep animals from suffering. True, some of these remedies might be expensive, but if it helps rid of animal suffering, or diseases such as collide that harms humans as well, it might be worth to loose a couple of dollars.

- I highly agree with the concepts from both "Food Inc" and "My Ishmael" because they both prove and relate to the real world that are true facts. Both share points that make you think around the world around you and think about fats that are going on behind your back.

- My mother thought about the things that I shared to her about what i learned in class. She thought that it's very sad that people go so far to earn money, but what can ordinary people like her do? Those companies pay the government so they can continue to do the damage they create on our everyday food and so, we are unable to do anything especially in these economic times.

Monday, April 19, 2010

School Daze Dialectic Journal

"Not so in tribal societies. In tribal societies, the three year old is free to explore the world around it as far as it likes, which is not far as it will go when it's four, five six, seven or eight. There simply are no walls shutting the child in or out of any age, no doors closed against it. There is no age when it "should" learn a given thing. nor wold anyone ever dream of giving thought to such thing."

part of quote pg 150

I think this part of the quote Ishmael says is very true. This happens in everyday childhood. The older a child gets the more its going to learn about the world around them for example myself, when i was four, my family got our first computer, myself not knowing anything about it, decided to explore the computer and learn how to use it, and the older i got, the more i learned about it. Basically it's the same thing as the quote from My Ishmael but in different terms but i really enjoy how this book actually relates to real world things/situations that you know about or have experienced.